How To Play No Chill 2.0

We now have 2 versions of the game. No Chill is the physical 90 cards in a box, which is no longer sold. Congrats if you were able to buy it from 2020-2022. No Chill 2.0 is where there are 90 digital cards. You can unlock these cards for FREE after you purchase any No Chill Wild Card Packs or buy the full 90 cards directly here.

Object of the Game

All players take turns clicking the "DRAW" button to reveal their digital card. Doing the action or answering the question on the card in each round scores points for the player. No Chill 2.0 only rewards you for wild answers. Win by having the most points at the end of the game. After your turn pass the phone clockwise


Enter how many players you have into our game engine. Enter the players' names so the game can keep track of turns and points. Select 2 or more punishments from our punishment table. When you are ready to play, you should see a card that says "CLICK BUTTON BELOW TO START GAME" P.S. WE WILL SOON HAVE A FEATURE TO TRACK SCORE FOR YOU. IT IS CURRENTLY IN TESTING.

Punishment Table

Game Play

Player 1 in the group goes first. Play goes based on how you entered the player names.

Player clicks the draw button. To see what you do for each card, check below. If you do not do or answer the cards’ action or question to satisfaction then you will be punished by the punishment table. Rotate between the multiple punishments you've chosen to play with. Ex. Player 1 doesn’t do the card so he does punishment A. Player 3 doesn’t do the card so he does punishment B. Player 1 quits again so he does punishment C.


When this card is picked, the player must do the action described on the card. After completed, the player may add the card's points to their score.

*In order to prevent lame interpretations, it is up to the group to decide if the action the player did satisfies what the card told the player to do. If the group agrees the interpretation is lame then the card goes back in the deck and the player must be punished by the punishment table because they are lame.*

Would You Rather

When this card is picked, the player must say what they would rather do out loud no matter how embarrassing or nasty the options may be. After completed, the player may add the card's points to their score.

*In order to prevent cheating, players must pick an option or be punished by the punishment table because they are lame.*


When this card is picked, the player must answer the question honestly or do the action truthfully. After completed, the player may add the card's points to their score.

*In order to prevent cheating & lame answers, if player says anything along the lines of “I don’t have any”, “I never”, “No”, or any other phrase that equates to a lame answer then the card goes back in the deck and player must be punished by the punishment table because they are lame.* 

Most Likely

When this card is picked, the player must truthfully point and say the name out loud of whoever out of the group they believe most likely fits the card. After completed, the player adds the card's points to their score.

*In order to prevent cheating or saving a friend from embarrassment, players must pick someone but cannot pick themselves or everybody or they shall still be punished by the punishment table because they are lame.*

Never Have I Ever

When this card is picked, if the player has done the action then the player may add the card's points to their score

*If a player has not done the action then the card goes back to the bottom of the deck and must be punished by the punishment table because they are lame.*

5 Words Or Less

These cards are like foreplay to warm up your dirty minds. When this card is picked, the player is now the clue-giver. The player before the clue-giver is the guesser. The player after the clue-giver is the timekeeper. The clue-giver must give clues to what the word on the card is within 5 words or less. The guesser must use the clues to guess what the word is on the card. Players have 30 seconds per card. After completed, the guesser may add the card's points to their score

Clue-givers cannot say “rhymes with” or “sounds like”. Clue-givers cannot make any gestures that will lead a player towards one of the words. Clue-giver cannot give a clue that uses part of the word that they are trying to get the player to guess. Ex. Card says Blowjob. Clue giver can say “giving head to penis”